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Kitchen Store, thePlate Boutique, Expands to Grand Rapids, MI by Launching Crowdfunding Campaign




THEPLATE BOUTIQUE EXPANDS TO GRAND RAPIDS, MI BY LAUNCHING CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN Michigan Based Independent Kitchen Retailer Sets Sights on Second Home In Grand Rapids MI

Grand Rapids, MI – Aaron and Kati Mora, owners of the independent kitchen retail store, thePlate Boutique, launched their first crowdfunding campaign on to help acquire the funds necessary to bring their store, thePlate Boutique, to downtown Grand Rapids, MI.

thePlate Boutique was launched in Mt. Pleasant, MI in 2012 by Aaron and Kati Mora. As a registered dietitian, Kati envisioned that this store would provide individuals with the tools and resources they needed to eat better. Kati and Aaron firmly believe that healthy eating begins in the kitchen and provide both a variety of kitchen gadgets and appliances to promote healthy cooking methods. Kati also provides nutrition education services to individuals looking to improve the way they eat by developing customized plans and reducing barriers to success.

The Mora’s would like to continue spreading their positive message on healthy eating throughout the state, beginning with the West coast. “Grand Rapids, MI is the perfect location for our next store. So many people and businesses are already in place who share a similar mission as us. We want to help support and grow that movement.”

Currently, the Mora’s are planning on locating their store in the Downtown Market before the end of the year. To do this successfully though, Aaron and Kati launched a crowdfunding campaign on to help raise the necessary funds to expand their current business to the Grand Rapids community. “We thought it would be a great way to get our amazing customers and supporters involved in the process,” Kati states. “For each contribution, we have a different perk exclusively available to this campaign. We hope it is an easy way for those who are excited about what we do and what we offer to get involved and be a part of the process.”  

For more information on the campaign, please check out

Media Contact: Kati Mora, MS, RD
[email protected]

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