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Generation X & Y for MI




Generation X & Y for MI is starting to have a presence in our local community. Our mission is to keep young people in our state and to help promote, arts, culture, music, start up businesses, etc. in Michigan. Some things that will be happening before the year ends... Tonight: Revolutionary Arts, Say It Loud at the Pyramid Scheme. College tours throughout Michigan. Debate at GRCC in October with local and state politicians (register to vote as well). Meet and Greets in different areas in Grand Rapids, which the focus will be to connect different businesses and community members in GR with their local representatives. So far Premier Skate and the Holiday Bar will be two of the locations for this. Our new office will be coming in November. A video premier party. And so much more. 

We, Johannah Jelks and I, would love for someone to help us promote our mission and our goals.

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