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In Season: March 29, 2014

Submitted 03-29-2014 under NONPROFITS

A list of locally grown fruits and vegetables along with locally produce products available at your local farmers markets.


What's On Tap: March 27-April 2

Submitted 03-27-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Feels like a good weekend to hit the pub, right? Of course it does. See what they're pouring right now.


Brewery Vivant to host "Beer the Change" celebration

Submitted 03-25-2014 under NEWS

The East Hills brewery will present its annual sustainability report interactively on Sunday, March 30. A portion of beer sales proceeds will benefit Congress Elementary's community garden.


Downtown Market announces spring break, summer camps for kids and teens

Submitted 03-25-2014 under NEWS

Kids can learn culinary skills and broaden their cultural knowledge while exploring foods from around the world.


Street market to bring vintage charm to Grand Rapids Downtown Market

Submitted 03-25-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

Our vintage street market is now accepting applications for 2014 vendors. The market, appearing on the second Sunday of each month, will include vintage furniture, clothing, accessories, kitchen goods and home decor.


FoodCircles continues to provide meals for hungry children

Submitted 03-21-2014 under NEWS

Since its 2013 launch of the mobile app that allows people to purchase a dish for $1, FoodCircles has provided 2,239 meals to children living in poverty.


What's On Tap: March 20-26

Submitted 03-21-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Thursday is the first official day of spring. It may not feel like it, but it's worth celebrating with drinks at the pub this weekend!


Our Kitchen Table to host open house celebration

Submitted 03-20-2014 under NEWS

OKT is celebrating the WK Kellogg Foundation grant renewal for their food diversity project.


Sietsema Orchards to host fruit tree planting workshop

Submitted 03-18-2014 under NEWS

A morning of free workshops for those interested in growing fruit trees is scheduled for March 22 at the Sietsema Orchards.


Eleventh annual home brewing competition now accepting this year's submissions

Submitted 03-18-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Siciliano's Market owner Steve Siciliano provides home brewers the opportunity to get professional feedback and recognition on beers and win grand prizes.

