Our Kitchen Table to host open house celebration

March 20, 2014 4:29 pm

OKT is celebrating the WK Kellogg Foundation grant renewal for their food diversity project.

On Saturday, March 29 from 1-4 p.m. Our Kitchen Table will host an open house celebrating the renewed grant from the WK Kellogg Foundation in support of the Food Diversity Project. The project, part of the yard food gardening and farmers' markets initiatives plans to expand and include the Eastown, Southtown SECA, Baxter and Garfield Park neighborhoods

The event welcomes OKT team members, collaborative partners, growers, supporters, market vendors, GRPS partners and city and county commisioners. It is open to the pubic and individuals can RSVP here. 

Presentations, information, fellowship and light refreshments will be provided. 

Our Kitchen Table is nonprofit organization that serves Grand Rapids and the surrounding area. It aims to promote healthy living and social justice by empowering individuals throughout local neighborhoods.