Sietsema Orchards to host fruit tree planting workshop

March 18, 2014 3:34 pm

A morning of free workshops for those interested in growing fruit trees is scheduled for March 22 at the Sietsema Orchards.

The Rapidian's Nonprofits section features stories written directly by local nonprofits about their work. These stories reflect their perspectives, not The Rapidian's editorial voice.

Friends of Grand Rapids Parks is partnering with the Kent and Montcalm Conservation Districts to present a workshop on the growing, maintenance and pruning of fruit trees. The event will take place on March 22 at Sietsema Orchards in Ada (8540 2 Mile Road). The workshop will begin promptly at 9 a.m. and continue until noon.

Although the setting for this event is a production fruit farm, the programming will be targeted towards small scale, urban and backyard fruit growers. We will cover basic topics including selecting appropriate varieties, watering and fertilization, tree biology, insects and disease and significant coverage of tree pruning with an outdoor practical.

We hope you can join us for this informational event. There is no charge for attending this event.

Space is limited. If you are interested in attending this class, please RSVP to Lee Mueller at 616 389 4687 or by email. If you need assistance getting to the location, or would prefer to car-pool, please let us know.