Eco Lessons Program
The Environmental Conservation Coalition is a local nonprofit organization aimed at increasing community involvement in green initiatives and programs while also educating youth and non youth on current environmental issues. Environmental Conservation Coalition is proud to announce that our first project is now currently under development. This project is apart of our Environmental Education Initiative aimed at educating ALL age groups of Grand Rapids. This program, titled "Eco Lessons" will allow teachers to take a break from their instruction time and let us come in to engage their students in fun, hands-on learning experiences centralized around an environmental based curriculum. Currently we are in the process of putting together the curriculum for each of these main topics:
- Littering
- Energy Conservation
- The Carbon Cycle
- Ground Water Pollution
We will be creating and implementing a curriculum for grades 4-5, as we assess this program we will implement more topics and expand hopefully to grades K-12 by the beginning of next school year. Each of our lesson plans have been built around specific educational disciplines, standards, content statements, and content expectations outlined in the Michigan Science Curriculum GLCE version 1.09 so all of our lesson plans are directly coherent to the State of Michigans Science Curriculum.
This program is meant to engage our youth, grades K-12, in meaningful educational experiences in order to better prepare them for a new generation of "green" jobs, lifestyles, and thinking.
To stay informed on the progress of this program subscribe to our newsletters on our site: to stay in touch and share this article with parents, friends, teachers, educators, and anyone else!
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