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Railroad Earth breathes inspired life into Meijer Gardens

Submitted 07-09-2014 under OPINION

By funneling Jerry Garcia's passion, Bob Dylan’s spoken word grizzle, Neil Young's clarity, and George Harrison’s innocence into his own songs, Railroad Earth frontman Todd Sheaffer earned his spot among the greatest rock'n'roll troubadours.


Vendor Spotlight: Taylor Bultema

Submitted 07-09-2014 under NONPROFITS

A spectrum of expressive colors bleed into one another, varying in tone and vibrancy. Find out more about these abstract compositions, an interdisciplinary art education, and what’s playing on Taylor’s iPod


More than 500 Kids in Need of School Supplies

Submitted 07-09-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

School Supply and Backpack Drive to Take Place August 11-15


More than 500 Kids in Need of School Supplies

Submitted 07-09-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

School Supply and Backpack Drive to Take Place August 11-15


Summer picturesque kicks off with photo walk through city parks

Submitted 07-08-2014 under NEWS

Join The Rapidian, Friends of Grand Rapids Parks and this season's photographer Steven DePolo as they tour some of Grand Rapids best city parks to inaugurate the summer Picturesque photo contest.


Movies in the Park to screen Dreamgirls

Submitted 07-08-2014 under NEWS

Dreamgirls sets the sixties theme movie for the night at Ah-Nab-Awen Park along with The Rapidian Story Matters team, who will be on site to capture individual stories.


GRAM on the Green to rock terrace Thursday nights

Submitted 07-08-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

The Grand Rapids Art Museum will celebrate with free music, zumba and games for a family friendly atmosphere.


Mitten Brewing Company hopes to hit home run with new expansion efforts

Submitted 07-08-2014 under NEWS

Mitten Brewing Company is hustling to keep up with capacity by expanding their operation nearly three fold.


Pleasant surprise result of years of neighborhood action

Submitted 07-08-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

The creation of Pleasant Park took years of effort from a variety of concerned citizens and organizations. What resulted was more than a place, but the building up of community.


In Season: July 4, 2014

Submitted 07-04-2014 under NONPROFITS

A list of locally grown fruits and vegetables along with locally produce products available at your local farmers markets.

