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Crushin' McCutcheon: Residents Rally against Supreme Court case




On Monday, Febuary 24th, concerned citizens of Grand Rapids will be holding a protest and rally voicing their alarm over a case currently being deliberated upon by the Supreme Court.


The case in question is that of McCutcheon v. the Federal Elections Committee.  The premise of the case is McCutcheon’s challenging the current limits placed on the contributions an individual can give, calling them unconstitutional.


Currently, an individual can only donate a total of $123,200 to candidates, national party committees and certain political committees with a maximum of $48,600 of which can be give to candidates. Also, an individual can only give $2,600 to a specific candidate for federal office, per election per cycle. McCutcheon is challenging this, calling it unconstitutional, and would like to see these regulations struck down.


These regulations are in place for a reason. They are there to even the playing field in terms of donor influence and to subdue any corruption that could arise from such unbridled giving power. If these caps were to be removed it would allow for the potential of the super wealthy in America to fund whichever politicians are most willing to play ball and thus create an era of politicians more interested in serving their check-writers than the needs of the ballot-casters.


A republic cannot be sustained by a populous that is unaware and silent. If we are to sustain a world of liberty and a culture of freedom, if the people are to truly lead this nation and control this government, then we can no longer afford to be idle and complacent in the face of those things that would undermine that.


Should McCutcheon win his case, it would only serve to make money speech and speech mute.


The 24th is there earliest possible date that the Supreme Court could make their ruling. We will be raising our voices at Rosa Parks Circle at 5 o’clock pm and continue to march to the federal building and final finish at Fountain Street Church to warm up and endeavor network those in our community who are or who want to be aware of what needs to be known in this pivotal time. You can find the Facebook event page here.


We hope to see you there.   


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