Story Matters: Stephanie McNamara tries laughter yoga for first time at LaughFest

Submitted 03-13-2015 under NONPROFITS

Stephanie McNamara explains why she likes supporting Gilda's Club and what it was like to experience laughter yoga for the first time with her family.


Artists Creating Together ACTion ArtPrize Winners Announced

Submitted 03-12-2015 under NONPROFITS

Nonprofit, Artists Creating Together, announced the winners of the ACTion Art Exhibit at the Grand Rapids Art Museum. The selected winners, chosen by a juried vote, won a cash prize and will be entered into ArtPrize 2015. A People's Choice Award was also chosen by the public.


Catalyst Radio: MomsBloom is women volunteering to serve women with newborns

Submitted 03-11-2015 under NEWS

MomsBloom is gearing up for the May 19 fundraiser BloomAwards, with sponsorship opportunities still available.


My health journey: On running and having your s**t together

Submitted 03-11-2015 under VOICES

Running has always made me feel strong, mentally and physically. It’s always given me space to take, to occupy, when I felt like I was disappearing.


LaughFest event aims to inject humor into poetry reading

Submitted 03-11-2015 under LOCAL LIFE

LaughFest will be hosting a humorous poetry reading at the Great Lakes Commonwealth of Letters on March 13.


Hometown Heroes 2015 Profiles: Sister Carmen Rostar

Submitted 03-11-2015 under NONPROFITS

This week we are beginning a series of posts highlighting the awards recipients for the 2015 Hometown Heroes Celebration put on by the American Red Cross of West Michigan.


Clothing Matters provides alternative with environmentally conscious fashion

Submitted 03-10-2015 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

Clothing Matters is a clothing store that offers sustainably manufactured and eco-friendly apparel from over 100 designers, from the local to the international.


Disability 101 (part 3): Disability Pride?

Submitted 03-10-2015 under PLACE-MATTERS

Disabled activists have fought a long time to actually own the experience of disability itself. And in that ownership comes the possibility of pride, self-love and disability celebration.


PussyCat Beer Guild brings women, beer together

Submitted 03-10-2015 under LOCAL LIFE

One of the oldest women-only beer enthusiast groups in the U.S., PCBG allows for women to share and grow their love of beer. The local Guild meets every month at HopCat.


Amore Trattoria to support citizen journalism with one-night special menu

Submitted 03-10-2015 under LOCAL LIFE

On March 18, Amore Trattoria will host the spring Rapidian Night Out at 6:30 p.m. A generous portion of every ticket goes to supporting The Rapidian.

