Mayoral candidates face off in final debate before Tuesday election

Submitted 08-03-2015 under NEWS

The four mayoral candidates participated in a debate focused primarily on income inequality at Loosemore Auditorium before Tuesday's election.


Story Matters: Christine Helms-Maletic looks for a mayor that cares about entire city

Submitted 08-01-2015 under NONPROFITS

Christine Helms-Maletic says she believes that even with a "weak mayor" city system, our local mayor can still be strongly influential if they take advantage of their bully pulpit opportunities.


Story Matters: Katie Gordon appreciates focus on income, racial inequalities at mayoral debate

Submitted 08-01-2015 under NONPROFITS

After Thursday night's mayoral debate on income inequality, two-year Grand Rapidian Katie Gordon says she is looking forward to a mayor that will continue the legacy of Mayor Heartwell's work to make Grand Rapids a progressive, inclusive city.


Candidates answer citizen questions on gentrification, race, police, LGBTQIA

Submitted 08-01-2015 under NEWS

As Tuesday's primary elections near, we gather last answers from our mayoral candidates to citizen questions on social ills and issues.


Story Matters: W. Paul Mayhue calls out problems of racial discrimination with police leadership, trespassing

Submitted 07-31-2015 under NONPROFITS

After attending the mayoral debate at Wealthy Theatre, Mayhue sat down to talk with us about the problems with race in Grand Rapids that he's seen with policing and laws.


Story Matters: Paris Lara looks for mayor that's well-rounded, authentic about social justice issues

Submitted 07-31-2015 under NONPROFITS

After attending the mayoral debate on July 30, Lara says he appreciates the diverse group of candidates, from those who don't have much political background or networks to those who have been working in politics in the area for a long time.


Story Matters: Mary Alice Williams wishes for more "teeth" in local politics

Submitted 07-31-2015 under NONPROFITS

Mary Alice Williams attended MLive and WGVU's mayoral candidate debate on income inequality, and says she's looking most of all for integrity, a passion to serve and social justice concerns in Grand Rapids' next mayor.


Prices on locally grown organic food reveal hard truth

Submitted 07-31-2015 under NEWS

Is “organic” just a euphemism for “You’re being gouged?” For organic farmers here in Grand Rapids, the answer is a resounding “No.”


Our Kitchen Table works to empower and support Southeast residents

Submitted 07-31-2015 under LOCAL LIFE

Our Kitchen Table is a nonprofit organization working to educate and empower people of color and income challenged communities on food justice and how to create change in the food systems in their neighborhoods.


Candidates answer citizen questions on economy, talent retention, Airbnb, transportation

Submitted 07-31-2015 under NEWS

With just four days before local citizens vote for their choice in the next mayor, we have candidates answering questions from local citizens.

