UICA to evoke sensory responses of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling art with seventh ArtPrize exhibit
Submitted 08-06-2015 under NEWS
The public will have an exclusive opportunity to preview the exhibit on September 12 at OddBall, UICA's ArtPrize celebration and annual fundraiser.
Southeast Area Farmers' Market launches bulk foods buying club
Submitted 08-06-2015 under NONPROFITS
The Southeast Area Farmers’ Market patrons can now purchase bulk whole foods. Bridge cards welcome.
High school student college program might not be Bound Upward
Submitted 08-05-2015 under OPINION
Grand Rapids' chapter of the Grand Valley-based Upward Bound program is not as effective as it could be, and some ways positive change is possible.
Civic Theatre's summer program showcases young talent
Submitted 08-04-2015 under LOCAL LIFE
The Grand Rapids Civic Theatre's Summer Repertory Theatre program helps its students grow and discover new passions.
Get a sneak peek of First Fridays: The Market
Submitted 08-04-2015 under NONPROFITS
Preview of the Avenue for the Arts First Friday! Come check out the Market and visit some of our studio spaces.
Local musicians work to promote supplemental education programs
Submitted 08-04-2015 under PLACE-MATTERS
Local musicians will be performing at The Avenue for the Arts event, First Fridays: The Market, working to promote supplemental education programs in Grand Rapids neighborhoods such as East Hills, Heartside and Roosevelt Park.
Loosely Bound exhibition consists of beautiful pieces backed by powerful concept
Submitted 08-04-2015 under OPINION
Loosely Bound at (106) Gallery and Studio presents work from five artists based around making sense of and materializing the ephemeral quality of time.
Local residents head to polls to select next mayor
Submitted 08-04-2015 under NEWS
Today is election day. Remember to get out to vote and remember your rights.
No, Organic Foods Aren't the Bee's Knees.
Submitted 08-03-2015 under OPINION
While organic foods are still wildly popular, they are dying a slow death, and should.
Mayor to answer questions live in monthly City Connection show
Submitted 08-03-2015 under NONPROFITS
Tune in live on Monday, August 3 to see the mayor's responses to citizen questions live, on air, on GRTV Channel 24 and live-streaming here on The Rapidian.