
Communication as Infrustructure

by (LCirivello)

Submitted 06-23-2011 under OPINION

When discussing and writing about the Rapidian, we often use the words hyper-local, news and information, and citizen reporter. A few words I think we don’t reference often enough, are “Democracy” and “civic engagement”. But truth is, lots of...

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Spreading the News

by (LCirivello)

Submitted 05-24-2011 under OPINION

It's no surprise to you that we make a big deal about the importance of our community of volunteer Rapidian reporters. The entire model of The Rapidian depends on local people stepping up to report the news, not merely consume it. We continue to...

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New Reporters: What have we gotten ourselves into?

by (Holly)

Submitted 02-07-2011 under OPINION

"What have I gotten myself into?" How many times have you said that to yourself after making a leap that you thought was a good idea? I know I sometimes jump in, feet first and thrilled as can be, only to realize later that I didn't really know all...

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Get Real, Citizen Journalists

by (Ruth)

Submitted 10-18-2010 under OPINION

It’s hard to be a citizen journalist. You don’t get paid. You have no idea what you’re doing. You have to keep your iPhone charged so you can tweet breaking news… And, after all that, people don’t even take you seriously.“Without the training and...

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On the Record, with local Business Reporter Cami Reister

by (KWashburn)

Submitted 10-13-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

A Q&A with a Grand Rapids Press business reporter This periodic feature for The Rapidian will spotlight the media personality behind the byline, camera or mic.  Do you know the meaning of the word neologism? No doubt local newspaper...

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Funding hyperlocal news - your input invited

by (LCirivello)

Submitted 10-04-2010 under OPINION

There is no question that things are really hopping at the Rapidian. Monthly visitor numbers are up a whopping 78% compared to 3 months ago. Now nearly 15,000 visits are being made each month to check out what's happening. Hundreds are signed...

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Artprize artist Michael Mayosky gives bird's eye view of five story mural

by (Jewly Warren)

Submitted 09-19-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

Overnight, a large amount of artists' installations have started to pop up all over the city. In all there will be 1,713 artists that have secured a venue in Artprize 2010 with 192 venues participating. Last year, the first annual ArtPrize...

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Hyperlocal: Trendy tag or fundamental value?

by (LCirivello)

Submitted 09-08-2010 under OPINION

Dictionary.com has no definition for the word “hyperlocal.” Microsoft Word consistently provides a red underline alert, unapologetically pointing out that I have either mistyped, or that I’m just making stuff up. Over two years ago...

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Rapidian seeking NPO partners for news bureaus

by (LCirivello)

Submitted 07-13-2010 under NONPROFITS

  As the Rapidian nears its first birthday, we are looking to extend The Rapidian to new audiences and engage new voices. The cornerstone of this initiative is the plan to seed and help launch unique new bureaus. The Rapidian will provide tools...

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Grand Rapids Community Foundation and CMC volunteers recognized

by (LCirivello)

Submitted 04-28-2010 under NONPROFITS

  On Monday, April 19th, the Grand Rapids Community Foundation was recognized with the Media Access Leadership Award. The award, presented by the Community Media Center, is intended to spotlight groups or organizations who, through their...

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