

by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 05-07-2012 under NONPROFITS

From May 3 throug June 28, 2012, The Marywood Gallery at Dominican Center is featuring the photography of local artist, Dee Versluis. The theme of the show is Pilgrimage, displaying 30 pieces with prices beginning at $100.00. All items are for...

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Local photographer inspires during Rauschenberg discussion

by (laurelgreen)

Submitted 05-07-2012 under OPINION

Upon arriving at the Grand Rapids Art Museum (GRAM) for the Rauschenberg installment of their weekly series, Friday Night Conversations, I really had no idea what to expect. On the second floor I found Terry Johnston, the local photographer whose...

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Fine arts photography and glass sculpture displayed at Marywood Gallery

by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 03-14-2012 under NONPROFITS

The featured Artists at Dominican Center Art Gallery from March 2 – April 29, 2012 are: Randall Nyhof – Fine Arts Photography Jim VanBeek – Glass Sculpture Dominican Center at Marywood Art Gallery will display the works of...

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The Red Sea Pedestrians take Abbey Road to Wealthy Theatre

by (WYCE)

Submitted 10-28-2011 under NONPROFITS

Kalamazoo's The Red Sea Pedestrians "world roots" music has been said to delight Michigan listening audiences, as evidenced by the band earning two WYCE Jammie Awards. Before bringing "The Red Sea Pedestrians and The Corn Fed...

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Artists showcase work in local downtown resale shop

by (quackene)

Submitted 10-25-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

You might be surprised to walk into a women’s resale clothing store on a Friday evening and find not just fashionable used clothing, but also art, appetizers, and a crowd of art enthusiasts. However, if you are walking into downtown's...

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Terry Johnston: Life through pink-rimmed glasses

by (Mark Spohn)

Submitted 10-12-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Terry Johnston stands at the front of a classroom, safely behind his MacBook Pro. Many would decline the opportunity to be interviewed by a room full of college level writers, as college students can be rather daunting. Vintage pink-rimmed glasses,...

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WMCAT photo walk with Hispanic Center students

by (wmcat)

Submitted 09-22-2011 under NONPROFITS

Over 40 high school students from the Hispanic Center’s SOL summer program in partnership with Ferris State University came to WMCAT for a two-hour workshop and photography walk in downtown Grand Rapids.  Students were asked to answer...

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Catalyst Radio: The Rapidian's ABCs of ArtPrize

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 09-09-2011 under NONPROFITS

Don't have time to listen right now? Download the MP3 and listen at your leisure.   INTERVIEW (8:07) This week, The Rapidian's content editor is in the hot seat as she chats with Catalyst Radio about upcoming features on the Community Media...

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Catalyst Radio: Bill Cotter's documentation of six months in the occupied West Bank of Palestine

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 06-03-2011 under NONPROFITS

A group of youth chant against the Israeli occupation, harassing soldiers assigned to and passing through their villages.   INTERVIEW (9:24) Bill Cotter spent six months in the West Bank of Palestine and was taken back by the reactions he saw...

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[MAP] Picturesquing about town

by (dennetmint)

Submitted 05-18-2011 under OPINION

Two weeks ago, we launched the spring edition of Picturesque, a community photo collaboration that collects images around the theme, "in plain sight." "What do we Grand Rapidians notice that we think others miss?" we asked. Forty-nine images later...

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