A group of youth chant against the Israeli occupation, harassing soldiers assigned to and passing through their villages.
Bill Cotter spent six months in the West Bank of Palestine and was taken back by the reactions he saw to the longest military occupation in history. He documented every moment of his time that amounted to thousands of pictures uploaded weekly to No Fences No Borders and also compiled a three-volume series of his observations.
Music this week is by Stewart Francke of Detroit with "You want what you don't got."
AT&T's acquisition of T-Mobile not as smooth as anticipated
AT&T announced earlier this year that it would acquire T-Mobile, the fourth biggest cell phone carrier, to pave over gaps in coverage. The merger between the second biggest service provider and T-Mobile would mean that AT&T and Verizon control 80% of the market. The Federal Communications Commission has asked AT&T to substantiate its claims while Free Press, a media watchdog group, has filed a petition with the FCC.
[More: Reuters, Free Press]
Study looks into what influences users when setting privacy measures
A study out of University of California in Irvine recently explored how users of social media platforms and instant messaging choose their security settings. They found that knowing their peers' security settings did not have much influence and that users are not as concerned about things such as password security level as they are with the privacy settings for their account. The study also indicated that how difficult those privacy settings are to set determine whether users will consider their security thoroughly.
[More: Journalists' Resource, UC Irvine]
New crowdsourced wiki to fill in history of journalism
Harvard University's Nieman Lab has unveiled a journalism wiki, Encyclio, meant to document the journalism industry. Users can add information about various journalism related issues and institutions, including similarities between and rivals of various journalism organizations.
[More: Nieman Lab]
CALENDAR (24:41)
Festival of the Arts
Friday and Saturday, June 3-4 in Downtown Grand Rapids
This weekend is the 41st annual Festival of the Arts. Today and tomorrow, there will be music performances, fair-style food and entertainment downtown.
Clean Works' 10th anniversary dance party
6:30 p.m. on Saturday at The Pyramid Scheme (68 Commerce SW)
In the last 10 years, Clean Works has taken in hundreds of thousands of needles off the street, reduced the rate of HIV among people who inject drugs in Kent County and has saved over 45 lives with its overdose prevention program.
First Buttermilk Jamboree
Friday to Sunday, June 10-12 at Circle Pines Center (Delton, MI)
WYCE and Circle Pines Center are hosting their first-ever Buttermilk Jamboree.
The Jamboree is a family-friendly festival that celebrates arts with a common vision of social justice, cooperation and sustainability. It takes place in the secluded natural setting of the 300-acre Circle Pines Center, 35 miles south of Grand Rapids.
Showing of COINTEL PRO 101 documentary
7 p.m. Thursday, June 16 at IATSE Labor Hall (931 Bridge NW)
A screening sponsored by the IWW and The Bloom Collective, Cointel Pro is a reference to government efforts in the 1970s to quash acts of social justice.
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