In Season Report: January 2, 2021
by (FultonStMarket)
Submitted 01-01-2021 under NONPROFITS
AHH, the first market day of the New Year! There are many things that give us hope for this year ahead of us, but it truly is your support that keeps us going! May this year bring all of you joy and peace and may your table be filled with this year...In race to create a COVID-19 vaccine, there is no fast track for approval
by (metrohealth2019)
Submitted 12-22-2020 under NONPROFITS
Dr. Rakesh Pai imagines a point in the not too distant, post-COVID future when people are lining up to see a movie. “We’re all going to go to the movie theater and we’re going to watch ‘Warp Speed,’” Pai said....In Season Report: December 19, 2020
by (FultonStMarket)
Submitted 12-18-2020 under NONPROFITS
Only one week left to prep for the holidays! Looking to buy some last-minute gifts? Need to stock up on your holiday meal needs? Your local vendors at FSFM have got you covered! Head to the Market this Saturday and bring home the spirit of the...Community updates: Thursday, Dec. 17
by (The Rapidian)
Submitted 12-17-2020 under NEWS
COVID-19 vaccinations begin in West Michigan After months of living with COVID-19 in West Michigan, hundreds of related deaths, and tens of thousands more in positive cases, the first area vaccinations have begun. The Pfizer vaccine, authorized by...COVID vaccine trials need diverse test subjects, so a doctor rolled up his sleeve
by (metrohealth2019)
Submitted 12-15-2020 under NONPROFITS
Dr. Rakesh Pai understands the lifesaving power of vaccines as a physician, but also from a family perspective. When the opportunity came to volunteer to test one of the new COVID-19 vaccines, he did not hesitate. “Vaccines have saved hundreds...In Season Report: December 12, 2020
by (FultonStMarket)
Submitted 12-11-2020 under NONPROFITS
Join us this Saturday to spread joy this holiday season! Get outdoors and bring home the spirit of the holidays by supporting your local farms, food and beverage businesses, and artists. Choosing local has never been more important than this year....Community updates: Thursday, Dec. 10
by (The Rapidian)
Submitted 12-11-2020 under NEWS
Kent County Health Department reports stabilizing COVID-19 case growth for Kent County Kent County’s rate of new COVID-19 cases has stabilized over the last few weeks, the Kent County Health Department (KCHD) reported on Thursday. An average...In Season Report: December 5, 2020
by (FultonStMarket)
Submitted 12-04-2020 under NONPROFITS
If you are struggling to feel the holiday spirit and what this time of year is truly about, come to the Market and we’ll show you how to bring joy to this trying year! There is nothing that makes you feel better than doing something for...Community updates: Thursday, Dec. 3
by (The Rapidian)
Submitted 12-03-2020 under NEWS
Kent County launches #KCTakeoutChallenge to support local restaurants Kent County launched a social media campaign on Thursday to support local restuarants dealing with pandemic-related strains. Called the #KCTakeoutChallenge, the campaign...In Season Report: November 28, 2020
by (FultonStMarket)
Submitted 11-27-2020 under NONPROFITS
Come out and support the people who are dedicated to providing you with the freshest local produce, food products and handmade artisan goods all year-round. Get outside and stock up on all the local products this season has to offer. Shop from a...