
Community updates: Thursday, April 29

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 04-29-2021 under NEWS

City of Grand Rapids releases proposed 2022 budget plan The City of Grand Rapids released its proposed budget plan for the 2022 fiscal year on Tuesday, relying on federal aid to help offset city revenue lost because of the pandemic. The plan...

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Community updates: Friday, April 23

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 04-23-2021 under NEWS

Grand Rapids park improvements continue through millage investments, leveraged funding Progress on city park improvements throughout Grand Rapids marches on, with 26 parks currently under construction or slated to be in the near future, the city...

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What's at the Market: Saturday, April 24, 2021

by (FultonStMarket)

Submitted 04-23-2021 under NONPROFITS

Tomorrow marks the end of an amazing and record breaking Second Season Market! We have never been more grateful for the support of our market-goers, and dedication of our vendors. The past 6 months would not have been the same if it were not for all...

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What's at the Market: Saturday, April 17, 2021

by (FultonStMarket)

Submitted 04-16-2021 under NONPROFITS

The flowers are starting to bloom, and new seasonal produce is popping up at the market, as well as new and returning vendors. This weekend you can be sure to find fresh produce such as ramps and rhubarb! We are excited for the arrival of these...

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Passing the Mic: Grand Rapids Buddhist Temple's Rev. Yong Su answers, "Has there been any aspect of your faith that you've changed your perspective on over this pandemic?"

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 04-16-2021 under VOICES

Muneeba Khan, Islamic practitioner and member of At-Tawheed Islamic Center, previously asked Grand Rapids faith communities: "Has there been any aspect of your faith that you’ve changed your perspective on over this pandemic time?...

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Community updates: Thursday, April 15

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 04-15-2021 under NEWS

City of Grand Rapids launches e-scooter Community Pass for underserved residents Aiming to increase transportation access for Grand Rapidians in need, the City of Grand Rapids launched a “community pass” pilot on Tuesday for the city...

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What's at the Market: Saturday, April 10, 2021

by (FultonStMarket)

Submitted 04-09-2021 under NONPROFITS

Spring is off to a HOT start this year. The weather is suspiciously delightful, and the market stalls are nearly full! We are eager about more in-season produce, products & vendors popping up at the market each week as we approach our 99th Main...

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Community updates: Thursday, April 8

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 04-08-2021 under NEWS

Friends of Grand Rapids Parks hosting citywide park cleanups Grand Rapidians have an opportunity to clean up and beautify their city parks together this month, with a community-wide clean-up initiative happening a few days before Earth Day 2021....

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Eastown family forges new path during the pandemic

by (amanda_a_sterling)

Submitted 04-02-2021 under LOCAL LIFE

It’s easy to forget what an oddity Eastown’s shared garages and driveways are, but I’ve recently realized all the ways that this historic throwback makes neighbors feel more connected.  Over the past 7ish years of sharing this...

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What's at the Market: Saturday, April 3, 2021

by (FultonStMarket)

Submitted 04-02-2021 under NONPROFITS

Spring is in the air at the farmers market, and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of fresh flowers and an even larger variety of fresh produce. In just one short month we will be embarking on our 99th Main Season Market and we cannot wait to...

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