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Passing the Mic: Grand Rapids Buddhist Temple's Rev. Yong Su answers, "Has there been any aspect of your faith that you've changed your perspective on over this pandemic?"

Rev. Yong Su, Buddhist practitioner, responds to Muneeba Khan, Islamic practitioner.

Grand Rapids Buddhist Temple & Rev. Yong Su

The GRBT is an American Mahayana temple rooted in the Korean Seon (Zen) tradition. Based at 451 Division Ave. S, the temple serves its sangha, or community, through Sunday Service meditation guidance, Budhhist education programs, and volunteering for local nonprofits, among other activities.

Rev. Yong Su Mark Hepper, Dharma Teacher and Assistant Administrative Abbot for the GRBT, has been with the temple since 2012. Among his ongoing contributions are leading Sunday Services, Dharma Talks, and Buddhist-Based Recovery Meetings.

Muneeba Khan, Islamic practitioner and member of At-Tawheed Islamic Center, previously asked Grand Rapids faith communities:

  • "Has there been any aspect of your faith that you’ve changed your perspective on over this pandemic time?"

Rev. Yong Su Mark Hepper, Mahayana Buddhist practitioner and Dharma Teacher at the Grand Rapids Buddhist Temple, responds, and passes a question on to other faith communities in the city:

  • "What does your faith, your religion, do to specifically address your members’ suffering?"


Passing the Mic

A project of Community Media Center, Passing the Mic promotes online, community-wide discussion of local issues and topics using the spoken word.

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