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Black History Month: "Duty, Responsibility, and the Necessity of Self Sufficiency




 March 1st - Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the program begins at 7:00 p.m.Fountain Street Church cordially invites you to attend the crowning event of Black History Month as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan speaks on "Duty, Responsibility, and the Necessity of Self Sufficiency". This timely message is for students, Clergy, elected leaders, educators, and the community at-large. As an important member of the community, your attendance is requested to hear a message that promotes educational, professional, and self-development principles. In anticipation of a capacity audience to secure seating, please RSVP to Study Group Student Coordinator, Robert Muhammad at (616) 730-6052 or Mary Kennedy at (616) 954-5385. This program is hosted by The Nation of Islam's Grand Rapids Study Group.

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