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Tell your story in the story fort

Submitted 09-17-2013 under NONPROFITS

You'll find The Rapidian setting up a story fort to collect your story during ArtPrize at a variety of times and places for their Story Matters project.


Join the flash mob of awesomeness

Submitted 09-17-2013 under NEWS

Richard App of Stellafly social media is organizing a city-wide flash mob on the first Friday of Artprize.


ArtPrize speaker series to engage questions of urbanism

Submitted 09-17-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

The ArtPrize Speaker Series this year includes old favorites like Critical Discourse and Shortlist, as well as events highlighting how artists interact with and affect their surroundings, from architecture to artist-run collectives.


Lamp Light music festival gearing up for second year

Submitted 09-17-2013 under NEWS

John Hanson and company are planning the second annual Lamp Light Music Festival.


Sanctuary Folk Art Gallery nurtures local art and places

Submitted 09-17-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

Reb Roberts provides artists of no formal training with a supportive environment and uses art as a placemaker to rejuvenate communities.


Autumnal Equinox street party joins forces with Pickle Fort for celebration

Submitted 09-17-2013 under NEWS

An eclectic block party on Fitzhugh complete with a parade and open mic art performances celebrates the changing colors and falling of the leaves.


How to Look at Art, Part 2

Submitted 09-17-2013 under OPINION

This is the second in a four part series on how to look at art, using the DRIO process: Description, Relationships, Interpretation and Opinion. I discuss the "relationships" step in today's article.


Head of ambitious public art projects in New York City joins grand juror team for ArtPrize 2013

Submitted 09-16-2013 under NONPROFITS

This interview with Anne Pasternak, ArtPrize 2013 Grand Prize Juror, is one of a series of three interviews helping ArtPrize visitors get to know the perspective of this year's jurors.


How to Look at Art, Part 1

Submitted 09-16-2013 under OPINION

This is the first in a four part series on how to look at art, using the DRIO process: Description, Relationships, Interpretation and Opinion. I discuss the "description" step in today's article.


Impart: Local artist Consuelo Poland used art to speak

Submitted 09-16-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Consuelo Poland answers a few important questions about art. Her functional art piece is available for viewing at Women's City Club during ArtPrize.

