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Gentrify This: An art show

Submitted 09-24-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Gentrify This: The myth of progress, history, growth and the supposed inevitability of it all. Independent art show hosted by the Bloom Collective comes to Heartside during ArtPrize


Story Matters: Samuel Lewis takes in Grand Rapids architecture, design

Submitted 09-24-2013 under NONPROFITS

Samuel Lewis has visited Grand Rapids several times over the past 10 years, and has seen the downtown area go from "beautiful and dead" to nearing its full potential.


Story Matters: Chris Waterman, Jeremy Wells, Joe Wells get to share ArtPrize together

Submitted 09-24-2013 under NONPROFITS

These brothers and friends grew up together and this year got to experience ArtPrize together as adults.


Art, ArtPrize, and the Artworld

Submitted 09-24-2013 under OPINION

Who says what is Art? Should we be dismissive about what we consider non-art?


Story Matters: Dale Schipper recommends river, breweries downtown

Submitted 09-24-2013 under NONPROFITS

Dale Schipper stopped by the story fort while he was visiting SiTE:LAB during ArtPrize, and had several events and experiences to recommend in the downtown area.


Story Matters: Janet Pawlak reassures visitors, reveals even artists don't understand all artwork

Submitted 09-24-2013 under NONPROFITS

While volunteering at SiTE:LAB, artist Janet Pawlak talks about her first impressions living in Grand Rapids, discovering ArtPrize and how he recommends others approach the event.


Public voting continues through Saturday after ArtPrize jurors reveal their favorites

Submitted 09-24-2013 under NEWS

Each of the jurors for the category awards revealed their top five picks, and explained their process and selection at the Jurors Shortlist Event Monday night.


Join the conversation about art and urbanization

Submitted 09-24-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Three evenings of free artist presentations, focusing on the relationship between art and urbanization, introduce the audience to experts and the issues around urbanization and the roles that art and architecture can play.


Story Matters: Rob Cole learns to be open to contemporary art

Submitted 09-23-2013 under NONPROFITS

Rob Cole doesn't have a background in art, but after three years experience ArtPrize, he says he's learning how to let himself open up to artwork that he doesn't think he understands.


Celebrated panelists to discuss role of art in urban landscapes

Submitted 09-23-2013 under NEWS

Experts Eva Franch I Gilabert and Reed Kroloff come together to discuss art's role in revitalizing cities.

