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220 miles. 8 days. 4 crazy advocates.





The issues facing education in the developing world are as monumental as this 220 mile walk sounds to most people. But simply by taking little steps with determination and patience, many goals are within reach. It is through this walk that I hope to take more steps to promote education and the arts in Ghana and here in Michigan. I am walking to raise money for education, but more importantly, I am walking to inspire others to use their talents—even something as mundane as putting one foot in front of the other—for improving our local and global communities.


All of us have gifts and talents. Some of us can design new products or solve major economic problems. Others can dance and inspire generations to try and improve their world, while another can invent the latest medical advancement. I can’t run, but I can walk. Walking is a daily mode of transport for millions of people around the world, and simply by taking a few steps I can try and draw attention to educational issues facing the Ghanaian communities I have been fortunate to meet, while also working to address the same problems here in Michigan.


-Sean Mackey

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