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Westown Commons Park Wins $15,000 in Grant Funding




James Hurt (616) 456-3232

Westown Commons Park Wins $15,000 in Grant Funding

Grand Rapids, Michigan, June 7, 2012 – Thanks to the support of our community, the basketball court at Westown Commons Park will be getting a makeover.

Westown Commons Park was selected as one of 25 basketball courts throughout the nation to receive grant funding through the Sprite Spark Parks Project (a joint program between Sprite and the National Recreation and Park Association). The mission of the Sprite Spark Parks Project is to refresh neighborhood basketball courts across the country so that teens can express their uncontainable moves. Sprite donated $275,000 to be distributed among the 25 parks in grants ranging from $5,000 to $15,000.

From March 28 through May 31, people across the nation helped to determine the amount that each of the 25 communities would receive by voting for the basketball court that they wanted improved the most. The support of our local community helped to ensure that Westown Commons Park would secure the maximum possible grant amount of $15,000. The grant funds can be used for items, such as, rims, backboards, benches, and playing surfaces.

The basketball court at Westown Commons Park will start to get refurbished later this summer/early fall. All work will be completed by November 30, 2012.

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