Tour de Westside: barhop for charity!
The Tour de Westside is a tour of bars on the Westside of Grand Rapids. The Tour is done on pedal bicycles, hence the name being derived from the Tour de France bike race. The annual event takes place the last weekend of April. The goal of the Tour and it’s members is to support local businesses, and raise money for groups in causes in the local area. Tour de Westside 11 will be here before you know it.The official date is Saturday, April 28th, once again starting at Putt Putt’s Bar, more details to follow on official route, and times. We will have our 1st registration/happy hour at Putt Putt’s Bar, 1148 Fulton St., Grand Rapids, MI 49504, on Friday March 16th from 1 pm to 9 pm at Putt Putt’s Bar. Registration is $20 and can be paid by cash, check or credit card. You can also print off Registration Form 2012, and mail it in as well. Once again all proceeds raised will go to benefit Steepletown Neighborhood Services located in the heart of the Tour route. Any questions email us at [email protected], or send questions through Facebook page.
Phone Number: 616-481-6606
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