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Watch fish climb a ladder in Grand Rapids

Submitted 07-29-2016 under NONPROFITS

It's the only spot in Grand Rapids where you can admire art and watch migrating fish at the same time.


Heartside meeting to revitalize neighborhood association

Submitted 07-12-2016 under NEWS

Residents and community members in Heartside meeting monthly to reform neighborhood association and address concerns together.


Sign up now to showcase at Maker Faire Grand Rapids

Submitted 07-05-2016 under NEWS

Artists, inventors, scientists, woodworkers, designers and more are invited to apply for Maker Faire Grand Rapids at the Grand Rapids Public Museum by July 22, 2016.


Downtown wants ideas for reimagining Calder Plaza

Submitted 06-21-2016 under PLACE-MATTERS

The City of Grand Rapids, Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. and Kent County will host the first public meeting on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 to discuss an effort to re-envision Calder Plaza.


Tree canopy report outlines success, offers recommendations

Submitted 06-14-2016 under NONPROFITS

The Grand Rapids Urban Forest Project assessed the canopy cover, tree health, tree planting and community engagement in Grand Rapids at 73 percent.


Organizations partner with community to vitalize Roosevelt Park

Submitted 06-07-2016 under NONPROFITS

What started out as a dream for a park with public art turned into a reality on May 21st when Friends of Grand Rapids Parks installed a vibrant mural in Roosevelt Park, an urban green space near the intersection of Clyde Park and Granville Avenue.


East Hills unveils bicycle, pedestrian improvements

Submitted 05-31-2016 under NEWS

Thursday, June 2, 2016 during Uptown's "Eat. Shop. Rock." event, the East Hills Council of Neighbors will reveal infrastructure changes for pedestrian and bicycle safety.


Nonprofit sustainability in West Michigan

Submitted 05-25-2016 under NONPROFITS

West Michigan is a region known for its philanthropy. How can nonprofits ensure their sustainability as the sector grows and changes?


GR Public Museum School wins City Environmental Services Department's 'Be a Basin Buddy' Student Video Contest

Submitted 05-20-2016 under NONPROFITS

More than 3,500 students celebrated their involvement in hands-on environmental learning projects this year at the seventh annual Groundswell Student Showcase


New local company looks to bring honest conversation to public relations

Submitted 05-18-2016 under NEWS

Holly Bechiri, former Managing Editor of The Rapidian and Marjorie Steele, an independent consultant and copywriter, combine their backgrounds in writing, fine arts and marketing to form new public relations company, Honest PR + Creative.

