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Greater Grand Rapids Bicycle Coalition's prepares for city certification

Submitted 07-01-2014 under NEWS

Executive Director Tom Tilma talks about creating longevity for the Greater Grand Rapids Bicycle Coalition, and how they are helping to create a cyclist friendly community.


Envisioning the future of Grand Rapids: how best to utilize downtown, riverfront

Submitted 07-01-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. along with the City of Grand Rapids and Grand Rapids Public Schools have launched a comprehensive planning process to inform the direction of downtown and the riverfront.


The changing constitution of livability

Submitted 06-10-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

As we plan to position Downtown Grand Rapids to be one of the most livable and desirable neighborhoods in West Michigan, we’re compelled to consider the areas that people will prioritize when choosing to call this place home.


American Red Cross volunteers & donors honored in "Sweet Celebration"

Submitted 06-04-2014 under NEWS

Ice Cream Social & Annual Meeting celebrates the critical work of local Red Cross volunteers & blood donors


Plaster Creek Stewards Summer Green Team to train youth in watershed restoration

Submitted 06-03-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

Urban high school students will be working along the watershed for eight weeks this summer, doing restoration and research to better understand how to address water quality issues in our area.


Lott3Metz architecture puts people first

Submitted 06-03-2014 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

Local architects Ted Lott and Greg Metz work to build community by transforming spaces into people centric places.


Beyond hunger relief: Congress Elementary uses gardening to get kids excited about healthy food

Submitted 05-29-2014 under NONPROFITS

Congress Elementary is moving beyond hunger relief to teach students a love of healthy food and the knowledge to grow it.


Greener Grads launches cap and gown recycling program

Submitted 05-20-2014 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

A new company committed to sustainability attempts to shift method of graduation gown industry in an eco friendly fashion.


Volunteers needed for Parks Alive initiative

Submitted 05-20-2014 under NEWS

Friends of Grand Rapids Parks offers opportunities to participate in neighborhood park upkeep.


Catalyst Radio: Active Commute Week aims to change lifestyles

Submitted 05-16-2014 under NEWS

Active Commute Week is wrapping up with a celebration on Sunday, May 18.

