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Sierra Club's 25x25 Campaign



Passing this ballot initiative will clean up Michigan’s air and water, improve our public health, and strengthen our economy—creating an estimated 94,000 new jobs in the state. In order for it to pass, however, we need to get more people involved!
        Currently, we’re working on building a volunteer base here in Grand Rapids to make sure the ballot initiative passes on November 6th by spreading visibility and getting out the vote. The Kick-Off Meeting on September 18th is the best place for Grand Rapids residents to come learn more about the campaign, and how they can help!

        Right now over 60% of Michigan’s energy comes from dirty, coal-fired power plants. These plants emit soot and smog, causing everything from asthma, to heart disease, to cancer. Moreover, we’re spending over a billion dollars every year to import this coal from out of state. It’s time to build a clean energy economy here in Michigan that protects Michigan families and provides in-state jobs.

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