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The Salvation Army Recognizes the Grand Rapids Golden K Kiwanians

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The first-ever Golden Kettle Award was won by the Grand Rapids Golden "K" Kiwanis Club. A volunteer appreciation event at Fulton Heights Citadel brought out over 30 volunteers to receive certificates and recognition for their efforts in the Red Kettle Campaign.
Golden K Kiwanis President Gloria Cangelosi receives the Golden Kettle Award

Golden K Kiwanis President Gloria Cangelosi receives the Golden Kettle Award /Denise Gorsline

Volunteers and volunteer groups raised support for the 2019 Red Kettle Campaign

Volunteers and volunteer groups raised $14,143 towards the 2019 Red Kettle Campaign, representing a mre 6% of the total raised by the Fulton Heights Citadel of The Salvation Army. The volunteer group that did the most was awarded the Golden Kettle Award at a volunteer celebration and recognition event last evening.

Representatives of the Golden K Kiwanis Club were excited to receive the Golden Kettle Award from A/Captain Mika Roinila

Representatives of the Golden K Kiwanis Club were excited to receive the Golden Kettle Award from A/Captain Mika Roinila /Denise Gorsline

Over 30 volunteers arrived to be recognized at Fulton Heights Citadel

Over 30 volunteers arrived to be recognized at Fulton Heights Citadel /Mika Roinila

In an exciting and fun-filled celebration last evening, The Salvation Army Fulton Heights Citadel hosted more than 30 people at its volunteer recognition event to celebrate the accomplishments of volunteer bell ringers during the 2019 Red Kettle Campaign.

The evening started with some hors d’oeuvres and snacks before the awards ceremony began in the church sanctuary. All volunteers and volunteer groups were recognized by master of ceremonies Auxiliary Captain Mika Roinila, who announced the names of all individuals that raised support for the campaign.

The highlight of the event was the announcement of the first annual Golden Kettle Award winner. The award was given to several representatives of the Grand Rapids Golden "K" Kiwanis Club who raised a total of $2,471.34 for the Red Kettle Campaign. Second place among service clubs went to the Kentwood Rotary Club with $783.90.

Overall, the second highest contribution came from the many volunteers in the Grand Rapids Advisory Board who raised $1,931.25. Among individual volunteers, first place went to Tressa & Steve Dickerson who raised $673.36. The total contribution of volunteers to the Fulton Heights organized kettle campaign north of 28th Street brought in a total of $14,143.The amount represents only 6% of the $233,841 raised during the campaign. All funds raised go to support the work of The Salvation Army in Kent County. The far-reaching work of The Army includes providing emergency food assistance, essential energy assistance, addiction center programs, emergency disaster services, community events, summer camp opportunities for children, as well as providing food, toys and hope for the holidays.

Several people in the audience exclaimed that this was a first-of-its-kind celebration and were excited for what will happen next winter. Some bantering between service clubs took place during the award ceremony as Rotarians and Kiwanians promised to do more to claim the Golden Kettle next year, while Auxiliary Captain Mika warned that more competition from other groups is sure to take place. Organizers look forward to additional participation in 2020, which would ultimately bring more support for the Red Kettle Campaign.

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