The competition for the "Golden Kettle Award" between service clubs is heating up as this coming weekend looks to bring out more volunteer groups.
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The Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign is halfway through its annual campaign, and the competition between service clubs is heating up as more groups have participated and have been able to volunteer by ringing bells at various locations in the city. Next weekend looks to be even busier.
In first place among service clubs that are competing for the “Golden Kettle” award is the Golden “K” Kiwanis Club. After ringing a total of 20 hours over two weekends, the club has raised $1,686.
In second place is a new group that has begun to compete for the “Golden Kettle”. Members of the South Kent Rotary Club rang bells last Friday and Saturday for a total of 12 hours and raised $947.
In third place are the defending champions from the Kentwood Rotary Club with $805 after 12 hours of bell ringing.
Aside from service clubs that have volunteered their time to a worthy cause, we recognize and congratulate the following groups for their efforts. Last Saturday the Cornerstone University Men’s Tennis Team was able to raise $475 at JC Penney, and The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary group was able to raise $412 at Macy’s. Thus far, all volunteer groups have raised a total of $4,332 for the Red Kettle Campaign.
Next weekend will be the busiest time for individual volunteers as well as groups. Service clubs such as the Grand Rapids Kiwanis Club, the Golden “K” Kiwanis Club, Kentwood Rotary Club, and The Salvation Army’s Grand Rapids Advisory Board are all scheduled to ring bells at various locations in the city. If you are interested in volunteering for a few hours this Christmas season, visit to find a location, date, and time the fits you best! Thank you for helping us help others.
A core service of the Grand Rapids Community Media Center