1:00 pm
Kent District Library Cascade Twp. Branch
2870 Jacksmith Ave SE
Grand Rapids MI 49546
Often referred to as “the last of the Romantic composers,” Sergei Rachmaninoff avoided the experimental techniques (such as 12-tone and atonal music) used by many early 20th Century composers in favor of the richness of harmony and melody that defined the Romantic Era. His music spans many genres, including symphonic, chamber music, vocal and choral music. Join Blue Lake Public Radio’s Bonnie Bierma as we get to know a little more about the man and sample some of his much-loved music as well as some lesser-known works.
Bonnie Bierma has been with Blue Lake Public Radio for 26 years. She is the Classical music director and CD librarian and also produces and hosts four hours of classical music weekday mornings, as well as the popular “Choral Traditions” on Sunday mornings. She is a freelance oboist, and played with the West Michigan Symphony for 20 years before retiring in 2012.
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