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Putting an End to Transmitted Diseases



As an attempt to increase awareness of transmission of diseases caused by a number of things, the team at Planned Parenthood of West and Northern Michigan (PPWNM) offer tests that can be taken by anyone to secure their status. There are eight different test locations to refer to. Citizens are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible.

In embracing World’s AID Day, the campaign aims to reduce the numbers of HIV/AIDS patients nationwide. At a registration fee of no more than $50.00 the test will be conducted on the same day, with results available in approximately 20 minutes.

The test not only looks for signs of HIV or AIDS, it thoroughly looks for various other indications like herpes symptoms and so on. There are a number of illnesses that are caused by transmission and having them tested is the first step to treating it completely. Positive results will require immediate medical attention to prevent the rate of infection from speeding or spreading. For this reason, a medical team is on standby in all locations. However, it is hard to deny that tests come with a stigma. By making the event massive, it hopes to eliminate the stigma and make testing something as normal as making a visit to the dentist.

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