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Which candidate marketing technique best catches your attention?

Yard signs
33% (21 votes)
Phone calls
0% (0 votes)
TV commercials
11% (7 votes)
Print ads
3% (2 votes)
Social media
34% (22 votes)
Other (Please comment)
19% (12 votes)
Total votes: 64

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party affiliation.

party affiliation.

RE: party affiliation.

Joel, can you elaborate? I'm wondering whether you mean that at first glance, if you can tell whether the candidate aligns with your party (i.e.: colors on yard signs) or if you're talking about further research. And while we're talking about signs and colors, red usually denotes Republican and blue for Democrats. Bing Goei noticeably used white for his signs (pictured below) but ran as a Republican. His site was predominantly blue. What's your take on that?

Political Ads

I pretty much ignore all types of political advertising. 
