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What are you most looking forward to during ArtPrize?

The art?
61% (60 votes)
The food and drink specials?
9% (9 votes)
The crowds?
9% (9 votes)
The gossip?
5% (5 votes)
The competition?
2% (2 votes)
The ending (not into ArtPrize)
9% (9 votes)
Other (please comment)
5% (5 votes)
Total votes: 99

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The artists

I was blown away last year by how many pieces, like 8 out of 10, were done by local artists. I'm really looking forward to seeing all the new art this year and hopefully meeting some of the artists too.

The prize. And the art. But

The prize. And the art. But mostly the prize.

 Totes the prize.

 Totes the prize.
