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Art on the corner

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These two men stood still and silently at the corner of Diamond and Cherry Streets for hours connected by the train of thin paper that covered thier heads.

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, Grand Rapids
Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported

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Oh man, great capture! I was

Oh man, great capture! I was sorry that I missed it, and now I get to see what it looked like. Thanks!

to clear things up

I would just like to say that this performance has nothing to do with the death of Osama Bin Ladin, it was coincidental that it took place on the morning after.

thanks for the clarification

The previous days announcement was heavy on my mind and it influenced my perception of this work. For me viewing this piece caused me to contemplate our interconnectedness and shared humanity. I am curious to know what other viewers thought??

More shots over at Flickr

i love my friends.

this is good.
