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Ethics and Religion Talk: Is it a Contradiction to be both Pro-Life and Pro-Gun?

Submitted 01-11-2021 under OPINION

Arthur L. asks, “My neighbor has a pro life sign and a pro gun sign on their front lawn. This feels like a contradiction. Are these two beliefs in conflict?”


Ethics and Religion Talk: How Do You Prevent Clergy Burnout?

Submitted 01-04-2021 under OPINION

Sarah M. asks, “I keep reading about clergy burn-out. Have you ever experienced that? Does your religion or denomination take any preventative measures to guard against it?”


Ethics and Religion Talk: Why Do So Many People Seem Unhappy?

Submitted 12-28-2020 under OPINION

Why do so many people seem so unhappy much of the time?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Why Do So Many People Need to Believe in Hell?

Submitted 12-21-2020 under OPINION

Linda asks, “Why do humans feel a need to confirm hell exists?”


Ethics and Religion Talk - Misperceptions

Submitted 12-14-2020 under OPINION

Becky wonders, “Are there misperceptions about your religion that you find yourself constantly attempting to explain to others?”


Ethics and Religion Talk - Defund Police

Submitted 12-07-2020 under OPINION

Rachel asks, “How does the call to defund the police intersect with your faith tradition?”


Ethics and Religion Talk - Father's Responsibility

Submitted 11-30-2020 under OPINION

Janet asks, “I see many faith-based groups focus on restricting abortions and addressing the women in the cases of unwanted pregnancies. But I see none of these groups addressing the problem of men not taking responsibility ..."


Ethics and Religion Talk - Exposé on Adultery

Submitted 11-23-2020 under OPINION

From Harry, in Sydney, Australia: “A good friend who is also a talented and award winning journalist has, in an article, exposed the extra marital affairs of a politician. ... What are the moral ramifications of such an exposé?”


Ethics and Religion Talk - What is the Meaning of My Soul, part 2

Submitted 11-16-2020 under OPINION

Vaughn asks, “What is the meaning given to your soul in life?”


Ethics and Religion Talk - What is the Meaning of My Soul, part 1

Submitted 11-09-2020 under OPINION

Vaughn asks, “What is the meaning given to your soul in life?”

