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Ethics and Religion Talk: Why Do So Many People Need to Believe in Hell?

Submitted 12-21-2020 under OPINION

Linda asks, “Why do humans feel a need to confirm hell exists?”


Ethics and Religion Talk - Misperceptions

Submitted 12-14-2020 under OPINION

Becky wonders, “Are there misperceptions about your religion that you find yourself constantly attempting to explain to others?”


Ethics and Religion Talk - Defund Police

Submitted 12-07-2020 under OPINION

Rachel asks, “How does the call to defund the police intersect with your faith tradition?”


Ethics and Religion Talk - Father's Responsibility

Submitted 11-30-2020 under OPINION

Janet asks, “I see many faith-based groups focus on restricting abortions and addressing the women in the cases of unwanted pregnancies. But I see none of these groups addressing the problem of men not taking responsibility ..."


Ethics and Religion Talk - Exposé on Adultery

Submitted 11-23-2020 under OPINION

From Harry, in Sydney, Australia: “A good friend who is also a talented and award winning journalist has, in an article, exposed the extra marital affairs of a politician. ... What are the moral ramifications of such an exposé?”


Ethics and Religion Talk - What is the Meaning of My Soul, part 2

Submitted 11-16-2020 under OPINION

Vaughn asks, “What is the meaning given to your soul in life?”


Ethics and Religion Talk - What is the Meaning of My Soul, part 1

Submitted 11-09-2020 under OPINION

Vaughn asks, “What is the meaning given to your soul in life?”


Ethics and Religion Talk: Do non-Catholics and non-Christians have Sacraments?

Submitted 11-02-2020 under OPINION

Margaret asks, “Are sacraments universal? Do others outside of Christianity offer them?”


Ethics and Religion Talk: How do you Respond to Racism?

Submitted 10-26-2020 under OPINION

Ruby asks, “In your work and association with those in your congregation, do you experience any racist comments or actions? If so, how do you judiciously deal with such people?”


Ethics and Religion Talk: When does Journalism become 'Evil Speech?'

Submitted 10-19-2020 under OPINION

In Judaism, lashon hara, gossip (literally, evil speech), is roughly defined as any speech, true or false, which damages somebody’s reputation. How do we respond when journalists publish stories which cross this line?

