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Ethics and Religion Talk: How Do I Convert to Your Faith?

Submitted 09-19-2022 under OPINION

If you were approached by someone who was considering conversion to your faith what steps would you encourage them to take? Can conversion take place “on the spot,” or is it somewhat of a process? And what might be required of an individual?


Ethics and Religion Talk: What Do Clergy Do on Retreats?

Submitted 09-12-2022 under OPINION

Question: Do any of the panel members take retreats that are designed specifically for clergy? If so, could you explain what would go on over the few days you’d be there? When I think of retreats, I tend to imagine rural settings. Am I on target?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Does My Car Insurance Cover STDs?

Submitted 09-06-2022 under OPINION

Question: If the driver's behavior causes bodily harm to a passenger should the insurance company be on the hook for the damages? She is suing his auto insurance company because she got a sexually transmitted disease while in his car.


Tuesdays With Morrie Reveals, Conceals

Submitted 09-06-2022 under OPINION

Tuesdays With Morrie, the stage adaptation of the bestselling memoir, succeeds in celebrating its titular subject and in asking the fundamental questions.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Should Theology be Fear-based?

Submitted 08-29-2022 under OPINION

It is often agreed by both therapists and clergy that a large number of people grow up in homes and congregations where fear is the dominant factor in theology. This has emotionally and spiritually damaged many.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Should Cemeteries Honor the Saltier Qualities of the Deceased?

Submitted 08-23-2022 under OPINION

The family wanted to honor the essence of their father and his rough personality on his tombstone. The cemetery feels differently and wants the stone removed. Who is in the right?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Sex, Violence, and Hollywood, part 2

Submitted 08-15-2022 under OPINION

Would any of you avoid a program that might be good otherwise, but includes sex/nudity? Has such content become so much a part of society that we have become numb to it? Or, perhaps we should just accept all this as being an honest portrayal of life?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Orthodoxy - Do you have an obligation to straighten someone's beliefs?

Submitted 08-08-2022 under OPINION

If a member of your flock approaches you with an honest admission that he or she no longer believes in a core doctrine of your religion (afterlife, the idea of God, salvation, etc.), would you consider it your duty to bring this person back into the “correct” belief system?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Sex, Violence, and Hollywood, part 1

Submitted 08-01-2022 under OPINION

Would any of you avoid a program that might be good otherwise, but includes sex/nudity? Has such content become so much a part of society that we have become numb to it? Or, perhaps we should just accept all this as being an honest portrayal of life?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Do Archeological or Historical/Linguistic Discoveries Affect Your Faith?

Submitted 07-25-2022 under OPINION

Can you give any examples of such discoveries or developments that may have led you to look at things in a different way?

