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Women's City Club: A must-see ArtPrize venue

Submitted 09-25-2011 under OPINION

Women's City Club Event Manager and artists talk about getting ready for ArtPrize and their work on display there.


3-2-1: Engage, swag and vote

Submitted 09-24-2011 under OPINION

With just 19 days, it can often feel like there is too much to see and so little time. Experienced Wayfinder Erica Curry Van Ee boils down all the information she has learned in hopes of helping other attendees.


Ready, Set, Go Time!

Submitted 09-23-2011 under OPINION

ArtPrize has a new way to enjoy the various neighborhoods this year, called Go Time parties, where you can have fun on a scavenger hunt and even win prizes.


How to See Art

Submitted 09-22-2011 under OPINION

Can art change your mind? Naselli talks about the importance of our vote in ArtPrize, and how to rise above personal preference to choose the greater good.


ArtPrize A-B-C, Easy as 1-2-3

Submitted 09-20-2011 under OPINION

Love it or hate it or just not sure about it, ArtPrize is here. Take the most of the opportunity and talk about art, talk to artists, talk with each other: The Rapidian provides the platform.


Welcoming new partnerships on The Rapidian's second birthday

Submitted 09-12-2011 under OPINION

As the Rapidian turns two, we welcome the business community, unveil new features and invite reader support to help sustain the momentum.


Hunger Challenge: Day 7

Submitted 09-12-2011 under OPINION

Day 7 is the end of the road for the challenge. I revisit the grocery store and share some food for thought.


Three reasons why the Hunger Challenge misses the mark

Submitted 09-12-2011 under OPINION

The hunger challenge is garnering media attention, but does it achieve its purpose?


Hunger Challenge: Day 6

Submitted 09-11-2011 under OPINION

Day 6 I get my groove back, make some pretty good food and enjoy a night out watching the game with a tall glass of water.


Hunger Challenge: Day 5

Submitted 09-10-2011 under OPINION

I spent the day with a spending limit of $4.37 and a couple dollar menus.

