Occupy Grand Rapids in context

October 8, 2011 9:57 am

Born from frustration with corporate greed and control over politics and the excessively increasing disparity between the wealth of 99% of the populace and the 1% elite, this is for protests in Grand Rapids in solidarity with the Occupy Wall St. protests and banking protests across the world.

Occupy Wall Street is in its third week in New York City, with sister movements popping up in solidarity all over the country, including right here in Grand Rapids. In this past week, over 800 peaceful occupiers were arrested and the NYPD has used pepper spray point blank, as well as nightsticks. Occupiers' act of civil disobedience was to walk in the street without having first obtained a parade permit. The Occupy Grand Rapids group on Facebook has exploded in membership from a handful of inspired citizens to over 1,000 in under three days, and the numbers are growing. As of today, the Occupy movement has spread to over 900 cities.

This weekend, the first General Assembly will take place in Calder Plaza. Media outlets around the country have been asking what are the demands of the protest, but by its very nature, perspectives are individual and multifaceted. The first official statement that has come out of the General Assembly on Wall Street, which has been developed through a process of concensus, can be found on a number of alternative news sites and can be read here.

Citizens in Grand Rapids have been developing demands specific to our community - though at this time a General Assembly to discuss these topics has not put them to review. Due concern and consideration is being given by the citizens of Grand Rapids to how best to assemble in an inclusive, peaceful way to raise awareness of the magnitude of the disparity of wealth, political injustice through corporate power over the government, and, in general, the message that the disenfranchised 99% will not sit idly by a moment longer.

Utah Phillips quote, sign by Ruby Miller (photo by Teresa Zbciak)