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The Nonprofit Dispatch

Discover the rich tapestry of West Michigan's non-profit sector highlighted in The Rapidian's Nonprofit Dispatch. Gain insight directly from local organizations actively engaged in the realms of arts, culture, service, faith, and collaboration. These compelling narratives are graciously shared by a diverse array of non-profit entities in Grand Rapids.

If you're a representative of a non-profit organization eager to share your story, take advantage of the opportunity by registering for an NPO account. Access The Rapidian's exclusive self-publishing tools tailored specifically for non-profits.

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WMCAT students receive Scholastic Art Awards

Submitted 01-12-2011 under NONPROFITS


Catalyst Radio: Kevin Den Dulk encourages his students toward community engagement

Submitted 01-07-2011 under NONPROFITS

The Rapidian has been working with classrooms to submit content for the last several semesters. We talk with Professor Kevin Den Dulk, about students' participation.


Thinking Green: Ethics for a Small Planet

Submitted 01-04-2011 under NONPROFITS


WYCE talks to Drew Howard, Michigan's steel guitar wiz

Submitted 01-04-2011 under NONPROFITS

Michigan's steel guitar authority Drew Howard has surely seen more than his share of witching hour recording and jam sessions. You'll find him throughout the WYCE library, adding his sacred sound to


[MIDTOWN] Upcoming winter events for Midtown neighbors!

Submitted 01-04-2011 under NONPROFITS

