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Local leaders are responding to increased violence with a variety of community meetings. How likely are you to participate?

I've already gone to one and plan to continue being involved.
0% (0 votes)
I plan to go to a meeting to learn more and/or get involved.
6% (1 vote)
I have or will go to a meeting, but I am worried it won't help.
0% (0 votes)
Why bother? Meetings aren't going to stop violence.
69% (11 votes)
I can't attend a meeting but want to know what else I can do.
25% (4 votes)
I've got another idea (see my comment below).
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 16

Comments, like all content, are held to The Rapidian standards of civility and open identity as outlined in our Terms of Use and Values Statement. We reserve the right to remove any content that does not hold to these standards.
