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What’s your prediction for the first big snow?

Within two weeks we’ll be shoveling.
38% (8 votes)
It’ll hit just in time for a very white Christmas.
29% (6 votes)
Not much until after the New Year.
5% (1 vote)
I prefer to predict a very early spring.
29% (6 votes)
Total votes: 21

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Is it April yet?

I only appreciate snow on Christmas Eve (once I'm home for the night) and Christmas morning (before I hit the road to family functions). Aside from that, I detest it. I get cold, fast. And I hate being cold. Even when I was a kid and my family would go sledding, I would go down the hill once and be miserable from then on. I'm a "crabby when cold" sort of person. My tiny little Kia fights me every way it can when snow is involved in my commute. It's a small car that gets great gas mileage, but not an ideal automobile for the winter months. Thus, I prefer to predict a very early spring.

Just in Time for Holiday Shopping

There's a lot of cold air bottled up in Alaska and a lot of warm water in Lake Michigan - I think we're due for a surge of cold air to pour across the big lake and produce some lake effect snow within two weeks. The good news is, it will make for a memorable holiday shopping season.

I am rather hoping you are

I am rather hoping you are right. Bring it on!

wishful thinking?

Perhaps I voted on what I want to happen, rather than what realistically will happen, but I really would like it to not be cold enough for a big snowstorm until Christmas time... but still able to get home for Christmas... yes, that's right: I want to have my white Christmas cake and eat it too.
