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What do you think of our local paper's switch to 3-day delivery?

This is a positive change: keeping up with how we get our news!
8% (6 votes)
What? People still read newspapers in print?
16% (12 votes)
It might be tough for those who don't use the internet at home.
14% (11 votes)
Sad- yet another physical thing inevitably replaced by the digital.
41% (31 votes)
I'll be canceling my subscription and will miss my daily paper.
12% (9 votes)
Other/combination: I've commented below.
9% (7 votes)
Total votes: 76

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Too bad

I still like to receive the printed version of the Press, and will continue to do so. I dont know if quality has gone down, but Ive been sad to see the entertainment section scaled back. I hope this trend is reversed along with the new plan.

Bummer. I'm at the library

Bummer. I'm at the library Monday through Friday and always look forward to reading the GR Press. 
