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With gas prices going above $4/gallon and not expected to drop soon, what will you be doing in response?

Riding the Rapid bus system.
12% (12 votes)
Riding my bicycle or walking.
24% (24 votes)
Combining trips and cutting back on long trips.
19% (19 votes)
I'm switching to a vehicle with noticeably higher miles per gallon (hybrid car, moped, motorcycle, etc.)
2% (2 votes)
I guess I'll just be spending more on gas!
29% (29 votes)
Other or a combination of the above: Please explain below in a comment!
15% (15 votes)
Total votes: 101

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high gas prices

I'm not making any significant changes because my normal practice is to try to live with an eye toward using fossel fuels of all sorts in a responsible way. I could, of course do better, but this has been consistently important to me since the 70s.


We got a moped this spring, to both combat gas prices and provide a second vehicle for our family. We also use the bus system, car pool, and combine trips as much as possible. When gas prices spiked last time, we switched from a 15 mpg (jeep cherokee) to a 30+ mpg (scion xB) car. Oh, to live in Europe again where we could be completely car-free and walk or use the various forms of public transport to get around!


