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Earth Day is just around the corner: April 22. What are you doing to celebrate?

Heading down to the library to hear Jeff Alexander's lecture about the environmental disaster in the Great Lakes.
3% (1 vote)
Getting my free White Spruce sapling from the Children's Museum.
17% (6 votes)
Joining the Wealthy Theatre's noontime Peace Pole installation ceremony.
14% (5 votes)
Earth Day every day, man.
61% (22 votes)
Other (Please comment.)
6% (2 votes)
Total votes: 36

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Fountain Street Church

Great concert at Fountain Street Church with Seth Bernard, May Erlewine, Rachael Davis, Dominic Davis and Hawks and Owls. 


So much going on in town! Earth Week at the library, Party for the Planet at John Ball Zoo, the Recycle Yourself Blood Drive...

So I'd like some tips: What are some simple things you do on a daily basis in the way of environmental stewardship?
