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City Commissioners are proposing getting rid of bags for garbage and instead using high-tech carts. Will this work for you?

Great! I won't have to worry about remembering to get bags at the store any more!
31% (22 votes)
It makes no difference to me.
6% (4 votes)
It will take our household too long to fill a 35 gallon bin; that could get smelly in the summer.
32% (23 votes)
I'm less concerned about convenience and more wanting to know the city's cost breakdown for this new system in comparison.
32% (23 votes)
Total votes: 72

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I was actually torn on the

I was actually torn on the matter, because we do have a lot of trash problems in our neighborhood regarding animals getting into the bags on Tuesday evenings. On the other hand, we don't usually create enough garbage to equal $2 per dump.

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