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It's March-we made it through winter! What are your tactics to fight the winter blues?

The cold and dark makes no difference to me. Bring on the cozy fireplace and a good book!
30% (18 votes)
I get out and enjoy winter sports-the great outdoors is all I need!
26% (16 votes)
I strategically plan a trip to somewhere warm in January or February.
5% (3 votes)
I need serious help. SAD light therapy, prescriptive drugs, and other strategies are barely enough to get me through.
31% (19 votes)
Other (Please comment below!)
8% (5 votes)
Total votes: 61

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Indoor exercise through a gym membership, a benefit I didn't enjoy until the last two years, has helped immensely.  The months fly by and I'm in great shape for outdoor activities, even shoveling.
