The Rapidian Home

Grand Rapid's North East Neighborhood

In Season: Week of June 17

Submitted 06-15-2012 under NONPROFITS

Check out what's in season for the week of June 17: We still have Strawberries and Cherries, but get them before they are gone!


Darfur refugee remains optimistic, finds new home in Grand Rapids

Submitted 06-15-2012 under NONPROFITS

With World Refugee Day Celebration this Saturday, Bethany Christian Services PARA is sharing stories of families and individuals that are being helped in adjusting to their new lives.


Writing as Spiritual Practice: A Weekend Retreat for Women

Submitted 06-13-2012 under NONPROFITS

Join us at Dominican Center at Marywood for a weekend of sacred rest, writing and communion with other women who love the written word.


Creston neighbors break ground on keeping seniors in the neighborhood

Submitted 06-12-2012 under NONPROFITS

Creston Neighbors start the discussion about keeping seniors in their homes as long as possible.


In Season June 12, 2012

Submitted 06-09-2012 under NONPROFITS

Check out what is in season for the Week of June 12 - This week we have Cherries! But get them before they are gone!


Volunteers needed at Fulton Street Farmers Market

Submitted 06-05-2012 under NONPROFITS

Fulton Street Farmers Market is looking for volunteers on June 12th and June 15th.


Local refugees integrate with courage, strength

Submitted 06-04-2012 under NONPROFITS

In honor of the upcoming World Refugee Day Celebration on Saturday June 23, Bethany Christian Services PARA, along with the American Red Cross, are posting weekly stories of families and individuals that are being helped in adjusting to their new lives in Grand Rapids.


In Season - June 2, 2012

Submitted 06-02-2012 under NONPROFITS

Find out what is in season for the week of June 2! New to the market are strawberries, sugar peas, snap peas and tunnel grown squash and zucchini!


Local artists battle to build the Creston community

Submitted 05-30-2012 under NONPROFITS

At the sixth annual Art Battle for Community, local artists raise funds for the Creston neighborhood.


Retirement is for enrichment

Submitted 05-30-2012 under OPINION

Creston Retiree goes back to school as an ESL volunteer at GRPS' Palmer Elementary School.

