
My Story Through Art is designed to allow youth in our mentor programs to retain a sense of their past, to describe their present situation or to take a look into their future through the utilization of a self-expressive and creative art experience. This summer program pairs 9 of Bethany’s mentor matches with local Grand Rapids area artists to cohesively produce a piece of art that allows the mentee to tell a story of their culture, their family, their history or their hopes and dreams. The emphasis of this project is to allow our mentees to not only express themselves, but to learn about their identity. My Story Through Art allows our mentees to reflect about themselves through a self-expressive art project all while learning a new art form.
Please consider joining us at the finale of this program, our My Story Through Art Showcase, where all art created will be displayed. Youth, their mentor and the artist they worked with will be present to share their story and their work of art. Some art will be for sale and additional art created by local artists will be available for sale via a silent auction. All proceeds raised will go towards funding the 2016 My Story Through Art Program.
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