The Rapidian Home


Spring into First Fridays

Submitted 04-29-2014 under NONPROFITS

Art galleries, shops and restaurants invite you to see local artwork, check out the latest handmade goods and partake in awesome drink specials.


Granola Goddess to open shop on Plainfield

Submitted 04-29-2014 under NEWS

Molly Dawson, aka "Granola Goddess" is opening shop on Plainfield near the Beltline. The shop will serve as the new home of Daily De-lish.


Townsend receives generous assistance following Rapidian article

Submitted 04-29-2014 under NEWS

A follow up with John Townsend reveals that he received some generous donations and discounted price on vehicle maintenance.


Kick off the season: Kickstand Kickoff 2014

Submitted 04-29-2014 under NONPROFITS

Brewery Vivant and The Spoke Folks join together to host a celebration of bicycles, family and beer on Saturday, May 3.


WMEAC honors Mayor Heartwell with first Environmental Legacy Award

Submitted 04-28-2014 under NEWS

WMEAC's 2nd Annual Earth Day Celebration honors Mayor George Heartwell and explores the past, present and future of West Michigan environmental advocacy.


Meet civic investor Diana Sieger: Investing in inclusion

Submitted 04-25-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Having caught the contagious energy of community at an early age, civic investor Diana Sieger continued her career with one mission in mind: include everyone.


Community gardens are growing vegetables, knowledge and community

Submitted 04-24-2014 under NONPROFITS

Oakdale Neighbors celebrates community gardening and the arrival of spring with a Spring Gardening Festival on May 3


Meet civic investor Jack Hoffman: Investing in a better city- through law

Submitted 04-24-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Attorney Jack Hoffman has consistently worked for urban preservation and development throughout his career- and now sees the results of his efforts on his walk to work each morning.


Build youth literacy: How investing in The Rapidian invests in your community

Submitted 04-24-2014 under NONPROFITS

Follow the story of Edgar as he interviews the mayor, builds his literacy skills and becomes a straight-A student while a young reporter for The Rapidian.


Planned Parenthood Capital Campaign Shatters Goal

Submitted 04-23-2014 under NONPROFITS

Planned Parenthood of West and Northern Michigan (PPWNM) announces the successful completion of its capital campaign, Standing Tall, with over $4 million raised! The special campaign is funding building renovations, technology upgrades, and an endowment fund.

