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Local filmmaker directs Pinback’s official music video



GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – Michael “Foxtrot” Johnson, a Grand Valley State University film and video graduate, wrote and directed a music video for the San Diego based band Pinback, whose members include Rob Crow and Armistead Burwell Smith IV. The “Sediment” music video revolves around the concept of their most recent album, Information Retrieved.
Michael Johnson, who adds “Foxtrot” to combat the common nature of his birth name, is a West Michigan native residing in Grand Rapids. Johnson was not commissioned to produce a music video for “Sediment;” however, he made the video over the course of several months, and sent it to Pinback’s label Temporary Residence Ltd. in mid-August. He received overwhelmingly positive feedback from both the band and the label, which granted Johnson’s product as one of Pinback’s official music videos.
In regard to his work, Johnson expressed, “It is very rewarding to know that this project, made entirely in West Michigan and built on the backs of several favors, has enjoyed some level of national recognition, and more importantly, achieved the goal of living up to Pinback’s creative ideals.” The folks at Temporary Residence Ltd. also acknowledged the music video in respect to Pinback’s creative endeavors stating, “…the short film unravels huge portions of the mysterious narrative thread that runs through Information Retrieved.” 
The video for “Sediment” is an exclusive to The A.V. Club, and further information can be found at the links below:
“Sediment” on YouTube:
Premiere article on The A.V. Club:,
Record label announcement:
Pinback’s official site, “Sediment” posted at bottom:
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